Dysfunctional families & the scapegoat child

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This e-book is a collection of short articles I’ve written on the topic of dysfunctional families & the role of the scapegoat child.  The articles are informative, educational and aid recovery work. 

If you’ve being raised within a dysfunctional family and/ or being allocated the role of the scapegoat you’ll know how utterly confusing, debilitating and heart breaking it is.  There are many layers to unpack.  You’ll have likely spent years trying to figure it all out.  

Growing up in this environment is no joke.  

My intention with sharing this e-book is to help you know you’re not alone.  Dysfunctional families are a product of our chronically dysfunctional society.  

Severe, repetitive abuse within family units is insidious, a taboo and a silent global epidemic.  

Here’s what others have said about my E-Book and education on this topic: 

“Your book is absolutely amazing”

“I honestly read it in less than 2 hours”

“Reading your e-book now, the first few pages are earth-shattering clarifying and validating”.

“I just read 75% of your book and WOW”

“..let me tell you, the relief reading your e-book this morning”

“…reading what I have so far has been profoundly moving”

“I could write something very similar and perhaps more fitting my history and situation, but reading what I have so far has been profoundly moving.   


[E-book feedback] 

“Mary Toolan I SUPER appreciate it!! Thank you, Mary!! ❤️🙏✨ Way to use your platform by breaking the silence around dysfunctional families. When I first discovered your posts, every part of me was like ” YES!! Finally!!!”

Raya Else 

I managed to read your book. I honestly read it in less than 2 hours. I just engulfed it. It was like meeting myself. It gave me so much clarification and so much understanding that I’ve never had before when it comes to my family situation and so many things just seemingly clicked into place and suddenly made sense that never made sense in God knows how many years.

The grief thing really makes a lot of sense. I was wondering why my mental health got so bad all of a sudden and it’s because I’m feeling grieved.

I just cannot stop reading it, I’ve written down quotes from it, it’s been incredibly helpful so thank you for writing it.

Your book is absolutely amazing and puts into words these feelings that I had no idea how to put into words. I’ve spoken the mantra out loud and written quotes and put them on post-it notes on my wall. It’s just really helped me. I think I’m going to read it quite often, to remind myself. Before I was starting to think like – ‘maybe I just need to go back and solve all of this and make peace’ but your book really reminded me to stand my ground and that I’m doing the right thing. I’m not an evil person – which is something I needed reminding of after my family’s comments”.

[transcribed from voice memo received from G]

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Author: Mary Toolan